Car advertising and sexuality – A brief look

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Car advertising has been using sexual imagery and messaging to sell cars for decades. The use of attractive models, provocative poses, and suggestive themes has become a common tactic in car advertising.

In recent years, the advertising industry has begun to embrace the LGBT community and use the sexuality of sexe lesbienne as a means of connecting with this audience.

The use of LGBT-themed ads has become a more common tactic in the industry, as brands seek to appeal to a wider audience and create a sense of inclusivity.

But that is not all, in this post, we’ll explore the history of car advertising and sexuality, the impact it has had on our culture, and the controversies that have arisen from it.

History of Car Advertising and Sexuality

Car advertising has a long history of using sexual imagery to sell cars. The first car advertisements in the early 20th century often featured women in suggestive poses to make cars more appealing to men. This continued throughout the 1950s and 1960s, with ads featuring scantily clad women draped over the hoods of cars or leaning suggestively against the doors.

In the 1970s, car advertising began to shift its focus to more lifestyle-oriented messaging, but sexuality remained a key part of the marketing strategy. Ads began to feature couples or groups of people, often in suggestive or romantic situations, using the car as a symbol of their freedom, power, and attractiveness.

In the 1980s and 1990s, car advertising became more sophisticated, using cinematic techniques, special effects, and celebrity endorsements to create a more aspirational image for cars. However, sexual themes and imagery continued to be a part of many campaigns.

Today, car advertising still uses sexual imagery and messaging, but there is more variety in the way cars are marketed. Ads may focus on performance, technology, or environmental friendliness, but sexuality remains a powerful tool for attracting attention and creating an emotional connection with the viewer.

How has car advertising and sexuality changed over time?

Car advertising and sexuality have gone through significant changes over time. Here are some of the key ways in which car advertising and sexuality have evolved:

  1. Early advertising: In the early days of car advertising, sexual imagery and messaging were not common. Ads from the early 1900s emphasized the technical features of cars, such as horsepower and speed, rather than their sexual appeal.
  2. Sexualization in the 1950s and 1960s: In the 1950s and 1960s, car advertising began to emphasize the sexual appeal of cars. Ads often featured women in provocative poses, linking the car with sexual desirability. This trend continued into the 1970s and 1980s, with ads featuring scantily clad women draped over cars.
  3. Shift towards safety in the 1980s and 1990s: In the 1980s and 1990s, there was a shift in car advertising towards emphasizing safety and reliability. Ads featuring women in sexually suggestive poses became less common, and instead, car manufacturers began to highlight safety features such as airbags and anti-lock brakes.
  4. Diversification in the 2000s: In the 2000s, car advertising began to diversify, with ads featuring a wider range of models and themes. Ads began to appeal to a broader range of audiences, with a focus on lifestyle, adventure, and family.
  5. Sustainability in the 2010s and beyond: In recent years, car advertising has increasingly emphasized sustainability and environmental concerns. Ads highlight features such as hybrid and electric engines, fuel efficiency, and low emissions.
  6. Reevaluation of sexualized advertising: In recent years, there has been increasing criticism of the use of sexualized imagery and messaging in car advertising. Some critics argue that this type of advertising objectifies women and reinforces harmful gender stereotypes. As a result, some car manufacturers have begun to move away from sexualized advertising in favor of more inclusive and respectful messaging.

Overall, the history of car advertising and sexuality has been characterized by changing social norms and cultural attitudes. While sexualized advertising was once common, car advertising has evolved to reflect broader concerns around safety, sustainability, and inclusivity.

Impact of Car Advertising and Sexuality

Car advertising and sexuality have had a significant impact on our culture, shaping our attitudes and perceptions of cars, sex, and gender. By using sexual imagery and messaging, car manufacturers have created an association between cars and sex, making them symbols of power, freedom, and sexual attractiveness.

This association has influenced our attitudes towards cars and their importance in our lives. Cars have become more than just a means of transportation; they are status symbols, expressions of personal identity, and even objects of desire.

However, the use of sexual imagery and messaging in car advertising has also been controversial. Critics argue that it objectifies women, reinforces gender stereotypes, and promotes harmful attitudes towards sex and sexuality.

Controversies in Car Advertising and Sexuality

Car advertising and sexuality have been the subject of many controversies over the years. Some of the most notable include:

The objectification of women: Many critics argue that car advertising objectifies women by using their bodies as props to sell cars. This has led to accusations of sexism and misogyny in many campaigns.

The reinforcement of gender stereotypes: Car advertising often reinforces traditional gender roles, portraying men as powerful and in control, and women as objects of desire. This can have a negative impact on our perceptions of gender and sexuality.

The promotion of unsafe driving: Some car ads feature reckless driving or dangerous stunts, which can encourage risky behavior behind the wheel.

The use of misleading claims: Car advertising may use misleading claims or exaggerated claims about the performance or features of cars, which can be confusing or deceptive to consumers.

What is the future of car advertising and sexuality?

The future of car advertising and sexuality is likely to evolve in response to changes in our culture, technology, and social norms. Here are some potential trends and developments that could shape the future of car advertising and sexuality:

  1. Increased diversity and inclusivity: As our society becomes more diverse and inclusive, car advertising is likely to reflect this trend by featuring a wider range of models and themes that celebrate different cultures, lifestyles, and identities.
  2. Use of technology: Advances in technology such as augmented reality, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence could be used to create more immersive and personalized car advertising experiences. This could include allowing customers to virtually test drive cars, customize features, or explore different environments.
  3. Shift towards sustainability: As concerns about the environment and climate change grow, car manufacturers are likely to shift their messaging towards sustainability, emphasizing the eco-friendliness and efficiency of their vehicles.
  4. Emphasis on safety: Safety features have become increasingly important in car advertising, and this trend is likely to continue in the future. Car manufacturers may highlight features such as collision avoidance, lane departure warnings, or adaptive cruise control to appeal to safety-conscious consumers.
  5. Increased regulation: There has been growing concern about the impact of car advertising on social attitudes and behavior, and this could lead to increased regulation or self-regulation of the industry. This could include guidelines around the use of sexual imagery or messaging, or restrictions on ads that promote unsafe driving practices.

Overall, the future of car advertising and sexuality is likely to be shaped by a range of factors, including changes in technology, consumer preferences, and social attitudes. While the use of sexual imagery and messaging is likely to remain a part of car advertising, there may be increasing pressure for the industry to balance this with respect for individuals and cultural sensitivity.


Car advertising and sexuality have a complex and controversial relationship. While the use of sexual imagery and messaging can be effective in attracting attention and creating an emotional connection with the viewer, it can also reinforce harmful stereotypes and promote negative attitudes towards sex and gender.

As consumers, it’s important to be aware of the messages that car advertising is sending and to critically evaluate them before making a purchasing decision. As a society, we need to continue to challenge harmful stereotypes and work towards creating a more inclusive and respectful culture.